About Us

iSafe is committed to “Inspiring safe communities and cities” by reducing vulnerabilities that expose women and youths to abuse, harm, and crime. We do this by empowering women and youths with opportunities within their local environment, strengthening human capital development and safety through skills development, sustainable livelihood pathways, research, advocacy, and actionable plans.

Who We Are


To inspire safer communities by engaging, educating, and empowering vulnerable people with opportunities and access.


To support at-risk and vulnerable girls, women, and youths with the tools, skills, training, and economic advantage to thrive.

Our Core Ideas

These are areas of our expertise and we have been assisting vulnerable people by collaborating with other organizations and local communities.

Human Capital Development

Isafe’s Reskill Hub seeks to bridge the skills gap that limits young people (women and girls), including persons living with disabilities, from accessing economic opportunities for sustainable livelihood.

Research & Advocacy

iSafe is committed to research on topical issues to strengthen the body of knowledge around safe migration, human trafficking, domestic violence, and human rights and inclusion.

Social Inclusion

iSafe works with stakeholders using digital innovation to address the widening inequality among vulnerable groups by advocating and implementing programs that centered on girls, minority groups, and people living with a disability.

Protect Her (Safety & Advocacy)

Women and girls deserve to be protected from the menace of gender-based violence, hence the need for a collective effort targeted


When returned migrants or survivors of trafficking return home, they often have to start from scratch trying to find their feet and dignity.

Training & Empowerment Programs

iSafe Reskill Hub offers entrepreneurial and employability skills training to young people, including persons living with disabilities

Project Spotlights

covid 19 palliative
Safety in Pandemic

Pregnant women and nursing mothers were given free prenatal vitamins and medications to help them stay healthy and safe during the pandemic. 

iSafe in partnership with Global Philanthropy Alliance

Our initiative aims at tackling the existing gender digital divide in particular in low-income and developing countries.

Self defence training for girls and women against abuse
Self defense training for children against abuse

Our programs empower women and children to prevent crime and victimization, and develop simple, easy-to-use self-defense techniques.


Girls Trained with self-defense skills
Women trained with entrepreneurship skills
Trafficked survivors supported

Our Partners

Working with great partners has allowed us to do more. These are a few of them.

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Another highlight from the international day of the girl child 🤍#girls#girlsafety#girlchild#girlchildeducation

Another highlight from the international day of the girl child 🤍#girls#girlsafety#girlchild#girlchildeducation ...

We are hiring!!

We are hiring!! ...

We are hiring!!!

We are hiring!!! ...

We are hiring!!!

We are hiring!!! ...

The HOME (Harnessing Opportunities for Meaningful Employment) Project aims to reduce irregular migration from Ogun State to the UK by empowering 200 vulnerable individuals with economic resilience and self-sufficiency skills at the pilot phase of the intervention. 

By identifying migration drivers and enablers, this project informs the design and delivery of interventions that create alternative pathways. 

The objective of the HOME Project in mind, is to reduce the number of individuals who choose to migrate via irregular means to the UK or involve in visa misuse while in the UK. Also, to reach those who are at risk of becoming victims of trafficking in the quest for an economic breakthrough.

The economic empowerment will offer opportunities to Target Audience aged 18-40 to learn and enhance skills across sectors of Agriculture, Fashion and Textile Industries, Business Development, Digital skills, Mentoring and Soft skills as well as loans, grants, start-ups, internship placement and access to numerous local employment and entrepreneurial opportunities.

The project will run from November 2024 - February 2025. 
We appreciate the sponsor of this intervention for thinking through this and choosing to work with us.

The HOME (Harnessing Opportunities for Meaningful Employment) Project aims to reduce irregular migration from Ogun State to the UK by empowering 200 vulnerable individuals with economic resilience and self-sufficiency skills at the pilot phase of the intervention.

By identifying migration drivers and enablers, this project informs the design and delivery of interventions that create alternative pathways.

The objective of the HOME Project in mind, is to reduce the number of individuals who choose to migrate via irregular means to the UK or involve in visa misuse while in the UK. Also, to reach those who are at risk of becoming victims of trafficking in the quest for an economic breakthrough.

The economic empowerment will offer opportunities to Target Audience aged 18-40 to learn and enhance skills across sectors of Agriculture, Fashion and Textile Industries, Business Development, Digital skills, Mentoring and Soft skills as well as loans, grants, start-ups, internship placement and access to numerous local employment and entrepreneurial opportunities.

The project will run from November 2024 - February 2025.
We appreciate the sponsor of this intervention for thinking through this and choosing to work with us.

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